Solana MultiSig Cold Wallet
Solana (SOL) MultiSig Wallet
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SOL/SPL MultiSig Wallet
About Solana (SOL)
What is
Solana is a web-scale blockchain that provides fast, secure, scalable, decentralized apps and marketplaces. The system currently supports 50,000 TPS (Transactions per second) and 400ms Block Times.
The overarching goal of the Solana software is to demonstrate that there is a possible set of software algorithms using the combination to create a blockchain. So this would allow transaction throughput to scale proportionally with network bandwidth satisfying all properties of a blockchain: scalability, security and decentralization. Furthermore, the system able to support an upper bound of 710,000 TPS on a standard gigabit network and 28.4 million tps on a 40 gigabit network.
The generation path of SOL/SPL address is: m/44'/501'/0'/0', which is consistent with wallet: sollet, phantom, tokenpocket, etc. Therefore, SOL/SPL assets can be recovered in the above wallet through the mnemonic phrase .