ETH MultiSig Cold wallet
Ethereum (ETH) MultiSig Wallet
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ETH/ERC20 MultiSig wallet
ETH/ERC20 Cold wallet
NFT supported
About Ethereum (ETH)
What is
The concept for Ethereum was proposed by a 19-year old named Vitalik Buterin in 2013 as a platform that took the idea of Bitcoin’s blockchain and extended it to encompass the storage and execution of Turing-complete computer programs. Ethereum has since become the fifth fastest growing open-source project on Github with an unusual history and compelling potential.
Buterin worked with prominent contemporary cryptocurrency figures such as Joseph Lubin and Charles Hoskinson on Ethereum’s early development, and in July 2014, Ethereum underwent a crowdsale that raised $14 million. Ethereum officially went live in July 2015 with its ‘Homestead’ release, signaling the emergence of the first Turing-complete smart contracts platform.
However, Ethereum quickly ran into trouble as The DAO, an investor-driven community VC fund, was hacked for roughly $150 million in June 2016. In what has become a defining moment for the cryptocurrency industry, two camps emerged from the debacle.
On one side, there was Buterin and the community who wanted to hard fork the protocol to roll back the stolen funds from the hack. On the other, the community proponents of ‘code is law’ who viewed any hard fork as a violation of Ethereum’s core principles. The blockchain was eventually forked, with the former camp (i.e., Buterin’s) becoming Ethereum and the latter becoming Ethereum Classic.